Image by Amanda Temple

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Week 5 of my 13 week Weight Loss Challenge

I haven't really been feeling well this week, so I only lost a pound. This was my first week back to softball and it was really tough. I ended up playing a triple header on Sunday. Oh boy does my body ache. It's slowly starting to feel better. You would be amazed at how many extra muscles you use playing softball. Taking a day of rest today. A walk this evening w/ Patrick and Spirit may be the only exercise I get. I'll be right back at it tomorrow.

I'm not complaining a bit though. 10 lbs in 5 weeks is awesome!

My weight loss goal is 20 lbs.

Week Date Amount Remaining
0 March 10 - 20
1 March 17 4 16
2 March 24 3 13
3 March 31 +2 15
4 April 7 4 11
5 April 14 1 10


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