Image by Amanda Temple

Monday, April 12, 2010

Pre-Cruise Mailing - Luggage tags designed and Brochures are complete

I accomplished a few things this weekend. I had a migraine Saturday after pool league, imagine that. That is pretty much a given for me. So, I took my meds and stayed up until about 11 b/c I knew that as soon as I went to sleep I would be out for a few hours and then wide awake. It's what the drugs do to me. So, at 3 am I was wide awake and started working on my Pre-cruise mailing brochure. It is complete!! I decided to go try to get a bit more sleep. After just under 2 hrs I was up again. What's next? Ahhh, Luggage tags! It took me a while to come up w/ a design that I liked, but here is the final look.  The colors are off in the pictures.  They all match the wedding colors that were in the invitations which is closer to a Carlina Blue and Brown.   I'll be printing the design on Card Stock and will write each person's information on the back.  Then I will insert the cards in badge holders that we ordered from E-Bay. On Saturday we won an E-Bay auction for the luggage tag loops. When they get here I'll get all the brochures, information and luggage tags to send to the guests. Things are coming right along!


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