Image by Amanda Temple

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pre Wedding Mailing

Mom and I sent out the Pre Wedding Mailing to all of our cruise guests yesterday.  Hopefully this will get our guests prepared for the cruise!! 

The contents included:
2 luggage tags per guest
Brochure from Patrick and I with advice and tips based on our experiences as well as event timelines
Travel Tips brochure from Bermuda Tourism
Bermuda's Handy Reference Map
Sightseeing & Activities booklet from Bermuda Tourism

Let the countdown begin!!  :)


Anonymous said...

We got our packet in the mail today =D I really appreciate the extra effort you have gone through to put so much information together for your guests. This being our first cruise I was worrying about what we would find to do, and would we be able to get around the island to really enjoy it. After looking through the brochures you sent our, I am really excited!! I feel so ready to get my suitcase packed (with my battery powered alarm clock and extra power cord strip) and get on the boat!! This will truly be an experience and event that we will never forget!

Victoria said...

Oh Yay! I'm so happy that you liked the package! :) You guys are going to have an awesome time and we all will be together for a good part of the trip. We welcome the company. Makes it all the more fun when spending it with great people.

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