Image by Amanda Temple

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bridal Shower

I can't even express how amazing my bridal shower was.  Every single detail was spot on and I can't imagine it being any better.  Walking in, the house was immaculate.  There were small Gerber daisy bouquets all over and they had roses as fillers!  My favorite!!!  The cake had two square layers positioned asymmetrically with ribbon, dots and Gerber daisies.  If I were to go out and hand pick the cake, this was it!  The food was fabulous and the layout and display was gorgeous.  Steak skewers w/ onions, shrimp w/ an amazing bbq dip, veggies, fruit with one of the best dips I've ever had, pinwheel sandwiches, cheese and crackers.  Of course there was extra sharp cheddar, which is my favorite, and the blue cheese was to die for.  There were cute little cream filled deserts.  I sampled the eclair and the almond cream puffs!  YUM!  The cake had layers of chocolate and red velvet.  Both layers were delicious.  Beverage options were red wine, white wine, sherbet punch and ice tea.  I had a couple glasses of red.

We played two games which were a lot of fun.  Guests had to guess my answers in the first game similar to the match game.  Surprisingly, my fiance's niece, and future mother in law were two of the three people who tied for the highest score!  The second game, we had to pick a partner, draw pictures of each other and write 5 things about them.  All the drawings were turned in and I had to figure out who was who from the drawings!  This wasn't easy, but there were some impressive drawings!  The drawing game made for a great get to know each other game as the pictures were shown of each person as well as reading off the 5 things written about that person.   Prizes were given to the individuals who scored the highest in the match game and to the person who I thought had the best drawing and the worst!!!  ;)  The games were great as they lead to quite a few laughs.

I brought a card for everyone to fill out for the coffee table book I'll be creating after the wedding.  It said "Special wishes or advice for Victoria and Patrick on their wedding day and/or wedding night.Sandra will hold on to these these for us to open on our road trip to NYC.  We will scan them in and put them in the coffee table book we'll be creating with engagement pics, showers, bachelorette/bachelor parties, the cruise, wedding and reception. 

It was really great getting the girls together.  With the wedding planning and work being a bit crazy lately I have not been able to see people as much as I would like.  The gifts everyone gave were very appreciated.  It was kinda funny though as it seemed the first several gifts I opened were wine glasses.  I could only imagine what my future Mother in law was thinking!  HA!  Really though I am so appreciative and thankful for everything.  I'm so grateful to have such amazing women in my life.  I truly am blessed. 

A link to the pictures I have gathered so far can be found on my picasa album.  Please go to this link:

This was an AWESOME day.


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