Image by Amanda Temple

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How to get those pocketfolds?

I REALLY love the Pocketfold invites.  Do you know how much these things cost???  Holy wow!  It's outrageous.  Most run around $7 per invite.  I guess it's b/c of all the layers and cuts involved.  I did a lot of searching and found this great website on how to make your own.

I ordered samples from Paper and More and Cards and Pockets.   The quality was similar but my fiance liked the linen paper best.  That worked out great b/c the linen envelopes and pocketfolds were discontinued and had a great discount of only $29.99 for 50 pocketfolds and $7.99 for 50 envelopes.  With shipping for 100 invitations that came out to $79.99.  So far for just the pocketfolds and envelopes I'm at $.80 per card.  I still have to purchase the cardstock and get printing prices for each of the inserts.

I bought a couple paper options at AC Moore to play with.  The pictures below are from the first mock invitation.  Of course the paper wouldn't be white with this one, but it's all I had.  I am going shopping with my dear friend Andi who is crafty with this stuff to help find other colors and options to play with.  We were supposed to go last weekend but we were snowed in!!!


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